It was more than 3 years ago that I have had to setup and touch an OpenVPN configuration. But than comes the day with the need to touch it. Usually not a big deal, but quickly I realized that on my (Gentoo) system easy-rsa 2 was updated (replaced). And the new version easy-rsa 3 is quite different. As it makes no sense to stick with old stuff I decided to switch to the actual version and started over to create all certificates and keys new. I did skim over the related documentation and created the required multiple certs/keys. Making a long story short - it doesn't work. Even if it was my fault, unfortunately the documentation wasn't easy and clear enough like it happens quite often. As the most pages at the web at the time were for easy-rsa 2, I want to document the technical pitfalls a bit. As a foreshadow:
I question that easy-rsa 3 is as easy as it claims - it hides (replaces) openssl complexity with its own complexity only!
Anyway, lets go forward with it. The general steps to create certs signed by a ca (certificate authority) are:
I will do all at the same system (host). Thus we have to use separate folders.  easy-rsa 
does all relative inside to the folder where the used executable is located. Two more hints:
through some of the commands - omit this parameter if you want to use a password.
First make a copy the folder  easy-rsa 
for the CA. Beware that the location where  easy-rsa 
was installed differs from system to system. I assume that it is installed in  /usr/share/easy-rsa 
$ cp -r /usr/share/easy-rsa ~/my-ca
All we will do with easyrsa now will be done relative inside this folder.
Now we can create our certificate authority:
$ cd ~/my-ca $ ./easyrsa init-pki $ ./easyrsa build-ca nopass
Never run the command  ./easyrsa init-pki 
in this folder  (~/my-ca) 
again !  This will remove the private key and the certificate of the CA! It is maybe a good idea to make a backup of this folder right now , so let's do it:
$ cd ~ $ cp -r my-ca my-ca~
Keep the private key  ~/my-ca/pki/private/ca.key 
absolute secret. The certificate  ~/my-ca/pki/ca.crt 
is required by every server and client. Lets us put in a separate folder:
$ mkdir ~/vpn-keys $ cp ~/my-ca/pki/ca.crt ~/vpn-keys
DO NOT USE the CA's folder  ~/my-ca 
from above !  Create a new copy for the server/client certificates:
$ cp -r /usr/share/easy-rsa ~/my-certs
Change into this folder and create a certificate signing request:
$ cd ~/my-certs $ ./easyrsa init-pki $ ./easyrsa gen-req VPNSERVER nopass
The name  VPNSERVER 
MUST be unique for each certificate request! It is used as the common name (CN) of the certificate. It is not a bad idea to use the hostname - even the FQDN - of the OpenVPN server.
Now we have to import the request into the ca and to create a certificate for the server.
$ cd ~/my-ca $ ./easyrsa import-req ~/my-certs/pki/req/VPNSERVER.req VPNSERVER
Now we can use  VPNSERVER 
further-in to simplify the processing. Review the request (optional) and create the server certificate:
$ ./easyrsa show-req VPNSERVER $ ./easyrsa sign-req server VPNSERVER
That's it. Now it is important to save the servers key and certificate:
$ cp ~/my-ca/pki/issued/VPNSERVER.crt ~/vpn-keys $ cp ~/my-certs/pki/private/VPNSERVER.key ~/vpn-keys
It is important to save the  VPNSERVER.key 
now as for the reason how I will do the next steps.
As an alternative you can make another copy of  easy-rsa 
in a new folder for each client. But it is fine to use the existing folder  ~/my-certs 
for the client(s) too. I recommend to clean the folder  ~/my-certs 
$ cd ~/my-certs $ ./easyrsa init-pki
Be sure you are inside the correct folder  ~/my-certs 
! Anyhow, the  init-pki 
is optional here.
The next steps are similar to Create Server Certificate except that we have to replace  VPNSERVER 
by another unique name (here:  CLIENT_1 
) and usage of the option  client 
when we sign the request.
$ cd ~/my-certs $ ./easyrsa gen-req VPNSERVER nopass $ cd ~/my-ca $ ./easyrsa import-req ~/my-certs/pki/req/CLIENT_1.req CLIENT_1 $ ./easyrsa show-req CLIENT_1 $ ./easyrsa sign-req client CLIENT_1 $ cp ~/my-ca/pki/issued/CLIENT_1.crt ~/vpn-keys $ cp ~/my-certs/pki/private/CLIENT_1.key ~/vpn-keys
Repeat these steps for each client by replacing  CLIENT_1 
by another unique name (e.g.  CLIENT_2 
). Same as with the name  VPNSERVER 
above here:
The name of  CLIENT_* 
MUST be unique for each certificate request!
Last but not least we need a DH key.  easyrsa 
creates a 2048 bit long safe prime - this could take some time. Simply run
$ cd ~/my-ca $ ./easyrsa gen-dh $ cp pki/dh.pem ~/vpn-keys/dh2048.pem
Now we (should ) have all required keys and certs.
At this point I want to do a sidestep and show the equivalent steps by using  openssl 
commands. You can jump over this paragraph if it's not of interrest.
I will go through the usage of  openssl 
quite quickly. Create a new empty folder and change into it. Then do the following steps:
$ openssl genrsa -aes256 -out ca.key 2048 # private key (secret) $ openssl req -new -x509 -days 3650 -key ca.key -out ca.crt -set_serial 1 # public key
$ openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -out server.req -nodes -keyout server.key -days 3650 # private key $ openssl x509 -req -in server.req -out VPNSERVER.crt \ # public key -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAserial serial \ -extensions server_cert -days 3650
$ openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -out CLIENT_1.req -nodes -keyout CLIENT_1.key -days 3650 # private key $ openssl x509 -req -in CLIENT_1.req -out CLIENT_1.crt -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAserial serial \ # public key -extensions usr_cert -days 3650
Repeat these steps for each client by replacing CLIENT_1 by another unique name (e.g. CLIENT_2) - same as above.
If you don't have a file “serial” replace  -CAserial serial 
with  -CAcreateserial 
$ openssl dhparam -out dh2048.pem 2048
No matter which tool you prefer, you have to know/learn the parameter for it. So lets have a look at the pro and cons.
I will stop here. Some other things like changing the key size in easyrsa would increase complexity.
Conclusion: Stay with  openssl 
- it is not harder to use and at least because there are hundreds of thousands howto's available!
After we have created the keys and certificates lets have a look what is required for each system:
vpn server | ca.crt, dh2048.pem, VPNSERVER.key, VPNSERVER.crt | ||
client 1 | ca.crt, CLIENT_1.key, CLIENT_1.crt | ||
client X | ca.crt, CLIENT_X.key, CLIENT_X.crt |
In other words:  ca.crt 
is required by each server and client. Additional the server requires  dh2048.pem 
. All pairs of  *.key/*.crt 
files have to be put on the related system.